At REMBE®, we achieve the maximum effect in terms of environmental protection by making what we have been successfully implementing since 1973 even more intensively and sustainably: developing and producing protective systems for industry that not only professionally and seamlessly protect our customers' systems and machines, but also avoid environmentally harmful emissions, sustainably eliminate leakages and defuse noise pollution.
Bhopal, Chernobyl, Seveso and Fukushima are synonyms for environmental catastrophes in industry in the past decades - with devastating consequences for people and nature. These could have been avoided with well thought-out and reliable safety technology.
REMBE® rupture discs and explosion protection systems secure processes worldwide and in all industries and contribute every day to making this planet safer. With our REMBE® green™ initiative, we are going many steps further and, in addition to our daily business, we are committed to protecting our planet.
What is REMBE® green™?
REMBE® green™ is an initiative that was founded from a personal concern of an RFM*. Specifically, at the time, a colleague wanted to mobilize all possible support from a company like REMBE® to tackle rainforest deforestation. Of course, a single company alone cannot bring about the solution. However, a company can be heard more than an individual and can attract much more attention. The desire to make a positive contribution to climate protection has become a new mission statement for the company and is being implemented in the form of this team.
The REMBE® green™ team has set itself the task of addressing various topics relating to ecological sustainability and environmental protection and using projects to provide information and raise awareness.
* REMBE® family member
Who is part of the REMBE® green™ team?

Carina Wegener
I work in the ProM team as a product engineer. One of my tasks is to optimize products and make them more sustainable. In my private life, I volunteer with several species and marine conservation organizations. Among other things, it is important to me to spread the word about the importance and impact of marine conservation in favor of climate change. Especially in the rural area of Brilon, I think this is an important task that we take on as the Green Team.

Elisa Göke
I work in the SVC team. When I joined REMBE® in 2021, I was pleasantly surprised that there was such an initiative in a company and it quickly became clear to me that I would like to get involved here. I particularly enjoy initiating various animal welfare projects at REMBE® green™, because a modern society geared towards sustainability is unthinkable for me without protecting animal welfare. I am also privately active in various organizations in this area, which is why it is a matter close to my heart.

Isabel Knapp
I work in the IMS team as Sustainability Manager and almost all sustainability-related topics cross my desk. So I'm already heavily involved in the topic at work. I've also been living as sustainably and consciously as possible in my private life for a long time - which doesn't mean that you have to restrict yourself. I want to use REMBE® green™ to show that a sustainable lifestyle can also be simple.

Nadine Kirchhoff
In my day-to-day work as a product manager in the ProM team, I stand up for durable products that will continue to meet the growing demands for sustainability in the future without compromising on quality. What fascinates me about REMBE green™ is the cross-departmental collaboration that enables us to create synergies and achieve our goals for a greener (working) environment. In my private life, I work as a wilderness ambassador for our wild nature and sharpen my eye for detail when bird-watching. “Do things wild - but stay safe!”

Dirk Eickhoff
I have been an RFM since March 2018 and work in the ProA team as a Technical Product Designer. My responsibilities include creating technical drawings of our entire portfolio for customer inquiries and for internal and external production. I only recently joined REMBE® green™ because I believe that natural resources must be protected in the private and professional sphere, but a sensible coexistence of business and environmental protection is important and indispensable. Therefore, I am happy to support REMBE® green™ in the organizational area of upcoming projects.

REMBE® green™ Clean Up campaign
True to the motto “It's not our garbage, but our planet”, the REMBE® green™ team organized a garbage collection campaign to set an example against environmental pollution and for a clean, healthy and rubbish-free world. Several groups of volunteer RFM*s cleared streets, field paths, parking lots and a playground of carelessly discarded waste. Despite the rainy weather, several garbage bags were filled within a very short space of time. From smaller items such as cigarette butts, packaging, drinks bottles and cans to large carpets, everything was included. This pollution is not only an unsightly sight, but also has further consequences for nature: it decomposes slowly or not at all and can release harmful pollutants for animals, the environment or water bodies. In addition, raw materials are lost that could have been recycled through proper disposal.
* REMBE® Family Member

Our new family member: RENBO the reindeer
Reindeer live in the northern polar regions. This animal species is also endangered by climate change, as the average annual temperature is rising much faster in these areas, which means that their livelihoods are changing. Frozen meltwater makes it more difficult for animals to find food, which in turn leads to a lack of nutrients, and melting ice becomes a life-threatening challenge on the animals' migration routes. To mark the company's anniversary, our Finnish subsidiary REMBE® Oy has agreed a sponsorship for RENBO with a private farm in Lapland. Here, RENBO lives with other reindeer in the wild every six months, while being provided with food in winter. Through the sponsorship, we contribute to the animal's food supply and tracking.

REMBE® green™ collection campaign for discarded electrical devices.
On the one hand, disposing of discarded electrical devices in household waste would be far too bad, as many rare earths are lost in the process and further resources have to be mined unnecessarily. On the other hand, it harms the environment and is therefore prohibited by law. Therefore, the REMBE® green™ team organized a campaign where employees could hand in their old devices and receive a fresh waffle in return. The devices are given to NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union of Germany), which in turn ensures that the cell phones are reprocessed to make the raw materials usable again and increase the life cycle of a cell phone. NABU receives a certain reward from this, which is used for insect protection.

50 Years – 500 Trees.
The Brilon family owned company REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control in celebration of its 50th anniversary is reforesting 500 European Larches in this wooded area. With its wide ecological amplitude, the larch, which is native to Europe, is an important mixed tree species and, as a so-called pioneer tree species, indispensable for the protection of the forest.

Polar bears and climate protection
Gold polar bear sponsorship
Because of our mascot REMBO, it is of course an affair of the heart for us to support the largest land-dwelling predator species through our "GOLD sponsorship at the WWF". REMBE has therefore been the proud sponsor of a polar bear since November 2021. Unfortunately, the animals threatened with extinction are considered a particularly sad symbol of climate change. Their habitat - the pack ice - literally melts away from under their paws. Unfortunately, in their search for food, they are increasingly drawn to human settlements in the hope of finding some food on their rubbish dumps. We are pleased to be able to support the WWF in their climate protection work and to help them improve the coexistence between humans and polar bears.

Greenhouse gas balance
CO2 Footprint
How can a company like REMBE® keep its carbon footprint as low as possible in order to protect the environment? To do this, you first need an analysis of how much CO2 is actually generated in the company. Based on this carbon footprint and how we can compensate and reduce it, further projects in the REMBE® green™ team have emerged.

REMBE® WeltWald™
We are reforesting
Here we are reforesting 8 hectares of forest near Brilon, Germany's most forest-rich city. The bark beetle plague destroyed a large part of the Brilon city forest. In the REMBE® WeltWald™, trees from all over the world are gradually being planted and their growth observed under the changed climatic conditions. The project is being implemented in cooperation with Goettingen University. Diversification will help to make the tree population more resilient in the long term.

REMBee Honey
REMBE® cooperates with regional beekeepers and supports the construction of further beehives. We will bring in the first “harvest” this summer. If you want to try a glass, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

REMBE® fruit + vegetables
Crunchy regional
We obtain the weekly fresh fruit and vegetable deliveries from our local and regional farmers. Do you already know our REMBE ® OGS? The reusable fabric fruit and vegetable sack? We'll be happy to send you one.

REMBE® e-charging stations
We have set up charging stations at our Zur Heide location so that our hybrid service vehicle fleet can cover short distances electrically. Our visitors who arrive with an electric car can also recharge their batteries here.

Energy-saving lighting
Well lit
As early as 2019, we replaced the old lighting in production and in the offices with energy-saving LED lights. This not only saves a lot of money, but also ensures better illumination of the work areas.

Environmentally friendly packaging
Away with the plastic
No more plastic, boxes made of environmentally friendly cardboard: The new generation of REMBE® packaging for rupture discs not only looks cool, it also has the least possible impact on the environment.

A new life
The service life of REMBE® products is above average compared to the industry. Although the product selection is based on safety-relevant requirements depending on the process conditions and the medium used, we offer you a technically sensible, economical and sustainable solution. So no throwaway mentality due to rupture discs bursting too early, but a proper solution that will last a lifetime. That is our claim.

Grey energy
A new life
We currently need more space for new production methods and offices. We make sure that the existing buildings are not completely demolished. Because when these were built decades ago, a lot of energy was needed for steel beams, concrete ceilings, foundations, etc. Why do you destroy this energy? We build our REMBE® buildings on these values and thus receive a lot of so-called grey energy.
The fact that our ideas, safety concepts and products already protect human lives and the environment is not enough for us. REMBE® wouldn't be REMBE® if we didn't think outside the box like we did.
✓ Consider environmental aspects even more strongly in our performance towards our customers and partners.
✓ Be able to make the performance of our customers and partners more efficient and at the same time more environmentally friendly.
✓ Consider environmental aspects even more strongly in our performance towards our customers and partners.
✓ Be able to make the performance of our customers and partners more efficient and at the same time more environmentally friendly.
That drives us on anew every day. Go on.
For people and for nature. For life.
Safety is for life.™
Safety is for life.™